Too Close To Home- Series Review

Too close to home is an American series created by Tyler Perry.It was released on 22nd August,2016 in United States of America.

It’s drama oriented series that will intrigue and keep you glued on the screen.It features the White House and the Dirty House.The connection of the two being a simple girl ,Annie(Danielle Savre).Shes an intern in the social office at the White House.She keeps flossing about her rich parents.She even convinces her fellow interns that she has a dog.

She indeed lives a luxurious life.A gisty apartment in Washington Dc.She even has a body guard from the secret service of the president.Shock on the whole country when it’s revealed that she has an affair with the President.This is following the president’s heart attack in the Oval office in the White House.Anna was with him that night.

Now the country knows about the scandal.The press is all over Anna.The first lady (Heather Locklear) goes to Anna’s house.Orderd her men to take everything and ask her to leave, lest she destroys her life.

Anna has nowhere to go.Apart from her fellow intern’s house ,Vallerie(Ashlee Love) and Dax(Nick Ballard).They don’t welcome the news and refuse to help her.She’s saved by Dax’s boyfriend Victor(Charles Justo).He offers to take her back to her roots, Happy Alabama.

It’s revealed that Anna comes from the Dirty house.A very poor background.She infact had abandoned her family.She had been away for three years now.No one wants to see her apart from her elder sister Bonnie(Kelly Sullivan).

Watch and find out what has been happening to her family.Why is her mother grounded?Will Victor drop her and go back to the city?Will her daughter accept her?Will her ex boyfriend take her back?Will the country finally know the truth?

The Karuru Falls!

Any escursion is worth the time and energy put to it.

Did you know,the Abadares National park is just around 3 to 4 hours drive from Nairobi.Its located in Nyeri, Central Kenya and the serenity is breathtaking.Whether you love vegetation,birds,animals or the sound of heavy pours, your dream will come true here.

The Abadares has three main waterfalls.The Karuru,Chania and Magura waterfalls.What caught my eye most was the Karuru falls.It is actually the largest fall in Kenya.It’s 300 metres long and 15 metres wide with just three drops.How the fall resonates with the sound of the birds and the subtle movement of trees is amazing.

The best thing about the sorrounding is that there’s no network.This means no distruction and your company will gain undevided attention.Above all else, it is a rare chance to reflect and appreciate creation and Jehovah.

On your next expedition,Karuru falls should be something you want to try out.Thank me later!

Is the juice worth the squeeze?

Any chess player would understand that every move on the chess board has consequences.So is life.Every choice we make will have to either favor or be against us.If we step back and think if the juice is worth the squeeze we will definitely make the best decisions at the time.

Often, we are forced to choose between two or more things which happen to be of the same value to us.Unfortunately we prove to be bias when making them.We put our interests first.Have you ever thought about how your decisions will affect your spouse, your children,your parents and even your siblings.

This is what I am talking about.Imagine this.Tamara a 22 old lady is just from college and earns a scholarship to Australia.She is so excited as this has been her dream ever since. She thanks God for blessing her.However,she has siblings to take care of.She has to choose between pursuing her long awaited dream and postponing it for the sake of her siblings.This might mean losing the scholarship.On the flip side,if she chose to stay, she  will have the opportunity to raise her siblings for they have no parents.Complicated isn’t it?

This is how difficult it is when you have to pick only one in a set .You have been here before.To weigh issues and be convinced that the juice is worth the squeeze you can’t do it alone.Ask experienced people,talk to your dear father Jehovah and plead for answers if you need to.Do not rush.Above all else,think about the people who mean the world to you.How will your decisions affect them?Trust me,with this in mind you will make the best decision.


The Dead Dog!

Looking back my college days ,I remember one anecdote that my Media Law instructor always cited.One that is still fresh in my head.One that I try to use every day if my life.
‘Imagine you are walking home,then you hear the smell of a dead dog,’he would say. Subconciously ,you ask silently ‘Why dint anyone dispose that dog?’ You walk away very agitated blaming someone for sleeping on their job.’

He would then raise his voice and ask ‘Who’s job exactly was that? Wouldn’t everyone feel the same? Young fellows, if you don’t want to feel that bad smell, stop and get rid of the dog.But how many are ready to peservere the pain of digging a hole and burry that dog,’he added.

By then everyone was amazed.The lecture was trying to instil some important lesson into our lives.The anecdote was all about change.

We all have a point in life when we face change.But often we want someone else to be that change.If you thought vividly about the story of the dead dog you realized it is only you who can be the game changer in any situation.Wise men say be the change you want to see in the world.

I will quote Michael Jacksons a legend in the music industry.He sings about change and says ‘I start with the man in the mirror,I ask him to change his ways’

This is interesting,isn’t it? Get to the mirror and have a conversation with yourself.Then correct the possibe wrongs in your life.I say possible because it is clear there are things we can’t change even if we would love to.Nevertheless give your best shot.Won’t you?

You all have a blessed Sunday!

Learn to learn!

We all feel demotivated sometimes.You work really hard at work but your boss still tag you lazy or incompetent.You put your entire effort into a relationship then it fails right into your face.

You often ask yourself the ‘why me’ clause.Ask any experienced person or parents and they will say there must be a good reason why everything happens the way they do.But the bottom line is ,life is about learning.

If you look harder you will find out that the faster you accept to learn the easier it is to deal with disappointments.Lest we want to be depressed by the things we can not change,let’s embrace change fast.

If things do not work out your way ,move on adopt another way and live it to the fullest. 

Learn to learn and watch this space.

Good Start!

There’s an ocean of opinion linked to a good start.Some will say it’s an early morning,some a road without traffic while others a successful deal.All these, are dependent on our priorities and diverse cultures.

I had a chance to interview few people from different walks of life.Their definition of a good start were incredible.One renowned business man said a good start for him would mean few minutes at the gym , healthy breakfast thereafter then successful meetings through the day.

One young person at the Mount Kenya University in Kenya linked this to a restful night and a morning with neither assignments nor classes.But one that really challenged me was Sonia’s.A twenty eight year old. A corporate communications officer at some company in Nairobi,Kenya.Her bubbly nature will prompt you to ask her the secret.

She starts her day by a word of prayer and reads few chapters of the Bible.While at it she hasa habit of drinking warm water flavored with honey and lemon.According to her ,spiritual and material food boosts the emotional strength.Unless something just failed to work out ,80% of the time she feels nourished.

She says, ‘Even if I have problems that I have to live with,the spiritual food make me strong enough to deal with them.’She adds ,’I am happier in the days that I stick to this morning routine than those that I overlook.’

Sonia advises that everyone should discover what works for them and adopt the habit entirely.

A good start equals to a good end.So let’s try to work harder and bring the best out of our morning.Dont forget ,Do what works for you.